University of Michigan

To enable its professors, research staff and the public at large to best utilize U.S. census data, The University of Michigan has standardized on PDQ-Explore. Not only does PDQ-Explore offer access to the most complete sets of public data, but it also enables non-technical users to rapidly perform complex, in-depth analysis without needing additional training. This saves the university much time and cost.

The University of Michigan Documents Center, a nationally recognized source for government statistics, relies on PDQ-Explore to rapidly meet the frequent requests of public and private organizations, as well as individual researchers. It has enabled the Documents Center to respond to its constituents with a depth of information in a fraction of the time and cost it would take using other data sources.

The University of Michigan's Population Studies Center, one of the oldest population centers in the United States with a distinguished record in both domestic and international population research and training, also uses PDQ-Explore to conduct in-depth investigative analysis on a variety of social and economic issues.

Dr. Reynolds Farley, Research Professor at the Population Studies Center and Professor Emeritus, Sociology at the University of Michigan, has found PDQ-Explore to be an excellent tool for in-class instruction. With PDQ-Explore, students can quickly engage in census data analysis and conduct deep-dive data exploration. For Dr. Farley, nothing on the market compares to PDQ-Explore for analysis of over 20 million sample records from the full U.S. population. And, because PDQ-Explore does not require students to be versed in statistics packages or perform additional programming, they can start performing queries immediately.