The University of Costa Rica

The University of Costa Rica's Central American Population Studies Center has emerged as one of the world's leading population research centers, providing demographic expertise and resources to government organizations, private and public companies, academic institutions, and individual researchers and students.

Using a hosted PDQ-Explore application, its Web site provides online access to the world's most extensive collection of full population census data, including original microdata.

  • Costa Rica Census Data 1927, 1973, 1984 and 2000
  • Costa Rica Registry of Births 1970 - 2004
  • Costa Rica Registry of Deaths 1970 - 2004
  • Costa Rica Hospital Discharges 1990 - 2004
  • Costa Rica Cancer Registry 1980 - 2004
  • Costa Rica Electoral Voting Registry1990 - 2002
  • Panama Census Data 1990 and 2000
  • Nicaragua Census Data 1995
  • Belize Census Data 1990 and 2000
  • Mexico 10% sample of 2000 Census records

Not only does the Center use PDQ-Explore for external distribution of demographic data, its researchers and scientists also utilize the application for their own research efforts. These include:

  • National survey of reproductive health and migration 1999 - 2000
  • Population and deforestation rates in Costa Rica
  • Services supply and infrastructure assessment, including access to health service in Costa Rica

To date, the online PDQ-Explore application represents the most successful dissemination of demographic information and expertise at the Central American Population Studies Center. The application receives over 500 queries a day, and the data are utilized by a wide variety of individuals in locations such as Japan, Mexico, the United States and other Latin American countries. In recognition of its efforts, the Center has received valuable funding from leading institutions such as the Wellcome Trust Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and many others. It has also received financial support from international agencies, including the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization, and the USAID.

For the Central American Population Studies Center, the PDQ-Explore application has been an invaluable asset - making the distribution of critical demographic data and expertise readily accessible to users of varying skill levels worldwide. This would have been cost-prohibitive and impractical with any other hosted analytic solution. While other population centers in Latin America have recently scaled down activities due to budget constraints, the University of Costa Rica's Central American Population Studies Center has continued to thrive and grow, establishing itself as a premier destination for demographic data, population research, and graduate training.