PDQ-Explore Technology

PDQ-Explore technology is based on high-performance, scalable parallel computing technology that enables exhaustive, in-depth analysis and reporting to be performed on data sets comprising of billions of records while using commodity PC hardware.

End users access PDQ-Explore hosted analytical applications through an intuitive custom Web interface. With minimal training, non-technical users can easily perform deep dive, iterative analysis on massive data sets -- getting the answers they need at the time they most need them.

PDQ-Explore hosted applications deliver actionable results 250 - 1000x faster and at half the cost of other traditional business intelligence solutions.


  • A natural hierarchical database structure eliminates the need for costly, time consuming table joins
  • Inherent parallel processing architecture provides the flexibility to meet evolving customer performance and scalability requirements
  • System architecture can process refined, iterative ad hoc queries on billions of records - in seconds, not hours
  • Analytic-oriented query language enables novice analysts to perform sophisticated analyses
  • True compiled query language provides substantial performance gains over traditional SQL solutions
  • Innovative data compression minimizes storage requirements and expedites processing of queries


  • Lower total cost of operation
  • Gain greater business insights by effectively leveraging your large data sets
  • Improve your ability to predict and respond to changing operational or market dynamics
  • Rapidly scale analysis and reporting initiatives
  • Achieve greater leverage of internal staff and IT computing resources
  • Achieve sustainable ROI for analysis initiatives