Get more out of your massive data sets

With PDQ, insights and analyses that were considered too expensive or time consuming are now possible - and at a fraction of the cost of traditional business intelligence solutions.

Our custom, hosted analytical applications provide end users with access to information at the time they most need it, including the ability to perform continuous, iterative queries on very large data sets. No longer do users need to wait weeks for answers - they can instead dig deeply into the data and get answers that can be used immediately.

Lowering total cost of operation

Our hosted application services model offers clients many hard dollar savings, enabling them to run powerful customized analytical applications on PDQ's commodity PC hardware - rather than on expensive internal hardware that traditional business intelligence (BI) systems require. Clients also benefit by being able to reduce purchases of BI software licenses. And because PDQ-Explore offers an inherent parallel processing architecture, clients can easily and cost-effectively scale and expend analysis initiatives with low-cost PC servers.

With PDQ-Explore, we are able to help clients fundamentally change the cost structure of their analysis initiatives - and get more out their valuable data.